Monday, September 30, 2019

Bowling Ethnography

Heather Dooley 10 Pound Balls We tend to think that bowling is a very simple and boring sport played by only older men. I did my fieldwork at a bowling alley during two different leagues to explore the different social interactions among bowlers. I learned that bowling is not limited to one specific age group or gender. I also discovered there is a unique hierarchy among the bowlers that is not determined by their age or gender. This social status is dependent upon their bowling average, type of ball used, and the weight of their balls. I found there were many other social interactions that occurred between smaller groups of bowlers such as teammates. I first entered the field during a Wednesday night bowling league. The bowling alley was filled with mostly men. I walked the length of the building and couldn’t find any women bowling. I soon found out this was a men only bowling league. I was told there was also a women only bowling league that occurred on Tuesday’s. The majority of the men bowling were middle-aged or older. However, there were a lot of men in their twenties bowling as well. On my second entry into the field it was during a Friday night bowling league. On this night the bowlers were all different ages but with a majority of younger men and women in their twenties. When I walked the length of the bowling alley that night I counted almost an equal amount of women as I did men. In this league it was required to have at least two or three women on each team. This is called a mixed league. On the third night of observations, my second Wednesday night, I sat down at a table with a team of bowlers. Three were in their twenties and two were in their late forties. While I was talking to one of the younger men I told him how I noticed a lot less women in this league then the Friday night league. I asked what the requirements were, if any, to join either league. He said â€Å"In order to join this league you had to have a 180 average. † He also told me this league was more competitive because it was only men and because they had the average requirement. This league has a larger amount of money to be won at the end of the season because of the competitiveness. When the bowler referred to average he meant the average amount of pins he will usually knock down during three games. Every game you have the opportunity to knock down 120 pins. Each game played has ten frames. The term frames means each turn all the bowlers take. Every frame the bowler has the chance to knock down ten pins. If you knock down all ten pins at once this is called a strike. When you bowl a strike it earns you more then ten points. If you bowl a strike for every frame you can receive a 300 game. This is the highest score you can reach and it is very difficult to achieve. Strike Terminology: 1 – Strike 2 – Double 3 – Turkey 4 – Four Bagger 5 – Five Bagger 6 – Six Bagger 7 – Seven Bagger 8 – Eight Bagger 9 – Nine Bagger 10 – Ten Bagger 11 – Eleven Bagger 12 – Twelve Bagger I discovered the main way bowlers judge each other’s skills is through the average they hold. Someone with a 250 average considers himself a better bowler then someone with a 185 average, even if the lower average bowler beats him in a game. Another form of bowling hierarchy is determined by the type of ball you use. Some bowlers will pay anywhere between $250 to more than $300 for just one ball! I learned that there are different types of bowling balls made to help you throw the ball a certain way. Some people may buy a ball they can throw straight better and others buy balls they can throw with a curve better. While I was sitting at the table with the bowlers I overheard a couple of them talking about their balls. Some men used them as a way to brag to the other men. They would say the reason another man is bowling so bad is because he has a bad, cheap ball. I also noticed the men bowlers would use the weight of their balls to poke fun at the other bowlers. They will compare their ball’s weight to their manhood or manliness. For instance, â€Å"Wow, you’re only using that little ten pound ball. Did you borrow that from your girlfriend? † â€Å"Careful carrying that big sixteen pound ball you might not be big enough for that yet. † [pic] There are many different kinds of socialization among the bowlers. They joke and tease each other, give tips on how to bowl better and they also play card games with their teammates. There are two different types of games played among the different leagues. On Wednesday night they play a game called Kiddy Pot. This is a money game played by the men bowlers only that corresponds to how well you are playing. If you miss the five pin, throw a gutter ball, or miss the head pin twice you lose a dollar. If you are hung, which in bowling terms means four members of your team strike or split during the same frame but one does not, then the person who misses the strike loses two dollars. If all five members of the team strike during the frame, the next frame whoever misses the strike loses a dollar. At the end of the season all of the money lost playing this game is split among the players of the team evenly. [pic] [pic] The Friday night bowling league plays a different game. This game is set up like poker. Every member of the team who throws a strike or a split will get a card from the deck. If you miss a spare or have an open frame then a card is taken away from your pile. At the end of each game the person with the best poker hand wins. Usually any women who play this game don’t lose a card if they miss a spare or have an open frame. I learned that bowling is a very complex social structure with its own set of socialization rules and terms. It is not gender or age specific. Bowlers have their own private language they use to communicate towards one another. They are generally accepting of outsiders joining in on their conversations and own private jokes. Is there more I could learn my entering the field and joining a league myself?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Microsoft Office Review Assignment Page Win34

2. Shelly folder-lists location Computer-shows the disk drives and hardware connected to this computer. Recycle bin-Contains the files and folders you have deleted. Mozilla Firefox-Lists location HP photosmart-HP Photosmart Essential 3. 5, also listed location McAfee Security scan-listed the location Windows update-Delivers software updates and drivers and provides automatic updating options. Microsoft Security Assentials- Microsoft Security Assentials Malwarebytes anti-malware-malwarebytes anti-malware, also listed where it’s stored. . 22 4. 1 5. 2 6. The button on the task bar is highlighted and the top of the screen says untitled paint. 8. 0 9. I right clicked the paint button on the taskbar and right clicked close window. 10. cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, select all, layout, folder and search options, delete, rename, remove properties, properties, and close. 11. I clicked help and then went down to view help and clicked on that. This dialog box is used to offer helpful sug gestions on recovering files from the recycle bin. 2. I clicked libraries on the left side of the window and documents was right underneath of it. 13. It contained one video clip called Wildlife. 14. I selected extra large icons and the icon looked the same just became large. 16. I chose understanding security and safe computing from the bulleted list of options to choose from in the help and support window. I learned that there are 4 ways you can protect your pc from security threats. 17. 12 topics, 30 topics

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The relationships between the physical environment and economic activities are no longer important

‘Second life' has its own settlements, inhabitants, firms, markets, geography and economies. In January 2007, it even had its own political riot. What is significant about this? Well, its economic activity bears absolutely no relation to the physical environment. It is an entirely virtual world and, admittedly, a computer game – but the point remains. Their currency, the transactions, the profits and the losses may occur in the game's own currency but can be converted into real life US dollars. Also read this  Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy This is 21st century economic activity as the science fiction author's imagined it, and fundamentally, is totally isolated from the physical environment. This could certainly be the shape of things to come, as indications of it can be seen translated onto the non-virtual world. The physical environment is consistently being conquered by human activity – there is little requirement for physically conducive circumstances for an area to be entered into the global capitalist economy. Anecdotally, there is a real snow slope in Dubai – economic activity based around winter sports is happening in the desert. Arguably, humans still cannot conquer wilderness – settlement in Japan is restricted to the coast and the vast majority of mankind live close to coastal areas. Is this, however, more an issue of tradition than one of physical necessity? Certainly, conservative theory would suggest that people draw their identities from tradition, which can have important economic implications. Las Vegas typifies the ‘bright lights' view of the USA – yet having outgrown its aquifer it surely shouldn't exist. Where there are serious economic incentives, the physical environment pales into very little. This has seriously implications in, for example, settlement patterns. Examination of a pre industrial city, such as Potosi, in Bolivia, demonstrates the importance of the relationship between the physical environment and economic activity. These cities were centres of power, bringing together the wealthy and politically powerful – both underpinnings of economic activity – with their servants and slaves in one large urban area, thus representing the beginnings of hierarchal economic systems that have been replicated around the world. This was the start of urbanisation, but what dictated the locations of these economic hubs? Read also Recording General Fund Operating Budget and Operating Transactions The physical environment, from which everything was derived and upon which everything relied. These new cities were focused on the exploitation of a raw material such as coal or iron ore; Catal Huyuk in Turkey developed around volcanic glass, becoming one of the first economic centres. As these activities grew the industrial city emerged, bringing people together in a work force and selling the products of their labour in a market system for the first time – it was the physical environment providing the impetus and the raw materials that enabled both extended settlement and trade to occur. The relationship could not have been more important. However, what is the postindustrial city tied to? Very little – location of industry is no longer tied to traditional centres that formed due to the physical environment. ‘Footloose' industries can be observed in the UK and other knowledge based economies. The sunrise strip around the M4 corridor and silicon fen have not developed where they are because of an exceptionally good crop of microchips. They are focused around centres of learning – science parks attached to the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, or important communication routes that link them into the global economy – the M4, and important links to London. Read also Intro to Public Relations Notes Similarly, it is human economics that has ‘saved' those areas previously dependent on the physical environment. The decline of the mining industry in South Wales had a profound impact on the surrounding areas causing significant depression. This situation is being reversed with subsidies from the European Union; an economic body that rose from a belief in the law of comparative advantage as opposed to the physical environment. The relationship here between the physical environment and economic activity appears somewhat less significant than for pre industrial cities. If post industrial cities no longer rely on the physical environment for their economic activity, but pre industrial and industrial cities derive their location, habitation and economic activity from the physical environment of their surroundings, it could be argued that those nation states who have no undergone industrialisation have a greater reliance on the physical environment. Rio de Janeiro owes much of its grandeur and wealth to the physical environment – many of the municipal buildings were built on the influx of wealth from the extraction of gold in the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, the area is the biggest extractor of petroleum in Brazil from off shore fields; a position in continues to hold despite the opening of markets due to its resource endowment. Conversely, it can also be the physical environment that dictates a very different course of economic events; resource curse theory suggests that an endowment of a particular resource – such as diamonds in many African nations – can in fact lead to stinted economic activity as the economy develops in an unbalanced manner. The poor economic situation in these states would certainly suggest an important relationship between economic activity and the physical environment that must be understood for a solution to be reached. In a similar vein, some cities have not been able to cope with the move away from a close relationship with the physical environment. ‘Old' industrial cities, such as Sheffield in the UK and Lille in France are characterised by loss of employment in the primary sectors, as mining and other physical environment heavy industries decline. There are often high levels of social deprivation and population loss from the inner city as out migration occurs. This illustrates that the relationship between the physical environment and economic activity is just as relevant today as it was with the initial city forming influences – in this case, the location of the cities, a physical factor, on the periphery of post industrial development has lead to economic depression and social deprivation. Furthermore, the observance of the growth of the postindustrial city from pre industrial times has been focused on the core regions of the UK, the USA and Japan. This conservative view of development theory assumes that all development will undergo similar courses, thus implying that the relationship between the physical environment and economic activity in LEDCs is more important than that in MEDCs. Structuralists, however, will argue that this is not the case. The growth of these ‘core' regions has huge implications for the entire global economy based around human derivatives as opposed to physical factors. The periphery is, in essence, not affected by the physical constraints that some argue are the cause of its poverty. It is the economic actions of ‘core' elements of society that result in the economic situations in LEDCs. Studies that led to this ‘dependency theory' observed the actions of wealthy in Sao Paulo which had huge implications on the favela dwellers and the unskilled labourers of Brazil; this is translated on a global scale – the economic activity that keeps the poorest sections of global society in that position is arguably the result of the actions of the core nations which they have had most to do with in the past. If this is the case, there is little relationship between the physical environment and economic activity. In spite of all this, however, there is an undeniable economic impact when disaster strikes. The dramatic impact of the Asian tsunami is a clear illustration. The movement of the tectonic plates that in turn triggered the tsunami could not have been predicated, although it has been argued that the quick pinpointing techniques could have provided greater notice of the wave. Even if this was the case, what of the impact to the settlements, the farmland and the tourist industry that it destroyed? The economic implications of this were huge – raising the point that no matter how much humans attempt to harness the physical environment in pursuit of economic incentives, what initially allowed the development of the global economy can just as easily destroy it. The impact of natural disaster on economic activity is neither new nor restricted to LEDCs. Although the death count in LEDCS, such as the Kerala Earthquake, is usually higher than in MEDCs, the economic impact in MEDCs can be even more dramatic – the Kobe Earthquake, or the effects of Loma Preta ripping through San Francisco. Here, flights were disrupted when a runway ruptured, and damage to free ways and bridges held up over one million commuters for over a month. The economy that these commuters were a part of may not have derived directly from the physical environment, but the disruption and thus cost caused by the physical environment was huge. Even those natural disasters we have warning of have significant impact. The Stern Report recently emphasised the huge economic cost of climate change to certain regions of the globe, which in an increasingly globalised economy would have resounding effects around the globe. There is strong evidence to the effect that the current warming is human induced, and even speculation that it will be global warming that proves to be Malthus' final resource limit. As global temperatures increase, the Greenland ice sheet will melt. This introduction of fresh water will reduce the salinity of the Gulf Stream as it goes northwards and sinks, powering the global conveyor. If this ocean current is unable to sink, the global conveyor will cease to moderate climatic extremes around the globe. Whilst the UK may have handled this in the past during the Little Ice Age, in an economy dependent on roads, private cars and international travel, the economic disruption would be huge as the climate became colder. Limited snowfall has considerable economic impact today, making its potential impact huge. Economic activity itself, therefore, has reinforced the importance of the relationship between the physical environment and economic activity. Furthermore, given the attention paid to climate change by governments, the press, and NGOs alike, the carbon trading business is increasingly significant. Carbon Exchange, a firm that manages both voluntary carbon trading schemes in the US and administers the compulsory cap and trade system in the EU, has seen its share prices rocket to nearly i12 a share in recent months. Here, the impact of economic activity on the physical environment is giving rise to another 'round' of economic activity. Carbon trading is big business and completely inseparable from the physical environment. Is this, rather than a ‘Second Life' virtual existence of economic activity more the shape of things to come? There are other such examples of considerable profits being derived from climate change concerns – effectively; we are reverting to a system whereby economic activity is the direct result of the physical environment. In conclusion, it would appear that the physical environment did much to shape the initial economic developments of core regions, such as the UK, the USA and Japan. It has imparted traditions that persist by way of settlement patterns and economic strengths. If this is the case, a simple division can be made – MEDCs do not rely on the physical environment for economic activity where LEDCs do. However, this ‘model' cannot be held paramount, as it appears not to be the case; structuralist views point out the presence of highly developed and desperate poverty even within the same city as a result of dependency, rather than economic development as a result of the physical environment. In spite of this, there exists an undeniable relationship between the physical environment and economic activity that applies to both LEDCs and MEDCs – the impact of natural disaster. Furthermore, there is increasing economic emphasis surrounding climate change, particularly in MEDCs. Fundamentally, economic activity is an aspect of human activity. Humans are part of the biosphere, and in turn, part of the physical environment. Whilst we may not be as constrained by mountain ranges or climate extremes, as once was the case, it is doubtful there will ever be a situation where the relationship between the physical environment and economic activity is totally irrelevant.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Denial of Service Attacks (DoSs) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Denial of Service Attacks (DoSs) - Essay Example In this scenario, this extra data is used to corrupt and overwrite the available memory. As a result it allows an attacker to put in random actions on the web server or destroy the system completely. It is commonly seen that the majority of web applications fails to effectively avoid the actions inserted or performed by random code into the system which can only be performed with the administrator rights of the operating system. For instance, an attacker can insert an executable instruction like that , inside a legal web site form below the appearance of an HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) request in an attempt to get access to that particular web server. However, if an attacker gets a success in deceiving security configuration, he/she can be able to get access to the /etc/passwd file as well as can get all files and, in the end, the usernames and passwords which are stored on the web server (Kennedy, 2005). In order to mitigate these security attacks, organizations can take follo wing initiatives: First of all, an organization needs to recognize buffer overflows by putting huge values into header, form inputs, and cookie fields. They must implement effective techniques to stop illegal users from inserting unauthenticated code. They must authenticate the input field length. Cross-site Scripting (XSS) In this kind of attack a web application works as a source of help for launching an attack to an end user's browser by making use of the web browser of other web users who visit the page. In this scenario, an attacker develops and launches a web site that takes benefit of a cross-site scripting defect and a simple user can view this attacker’s web site such as by clicking on a link mentioned in an e-mail received from a friend and the attacker’s nasty program or that fake web site can then be opened on the user's computer. If an attacker gets a success in this attack then he/she can be able to get access to the end user's session token, spoof conten t to fool the user or attack the local machine (Kennedy, 2005). In order to mitigate these security attacks, organizations can take following initiatives (Kennedy, 2005): An organization must adopt strict measures to scan all the possible inputs in order that end-user data cannot be translated as scripted content. A variety of data integrity checks should be carried out on data before their distribution to make sure the data are sensible. If it is possible, limit all end-user input to alphanumeric content. Denial of Service Attacks DoS attack (denial of service) can be defined as an event that prevents un-authorized access to the resources or make interruption in those operations that are critical with time factor. Additionally, DoS attack is sometimes called distributed denial-of-service attack  (DDoS attack). This sort of attacks (denial of service attack) may target users in an attempt to stop them from creating links on the network. However these connections may include outgoi ng transmission. In addition, a DoS attack may also target a whole corporation. In this scenario, it can stop incoming traffic or to prevent outgoing traffic towards network related applications. In this way this attack tries best to stop the victim from being usage of network links. Moreover, denial of service attack is straightforward in accomplishment as compared to gaining managerial access to a specific system from distant location. That’s why DoS attack gains popularity on the Internet (Chan et al., 2010) and (Tech-FAQ, 2011). DoS attacks can easily halt our computer machine or our network connection. However, it totally depends on the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Is Lesbianism A Sickness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Is Lesbianism A Sickness - Essay Example Calling something a â€Å"mental illness† has, ever since psychology became a respectable science, has constituted an effective tool for smearing individual human beings with the label of â€Å"deviant† or â€Å"abnormal†. These â€Å"diagnoses† have, instead of promoting individual health and well-being, reinforced society’s biases and promoted oppression. Unfortunately, these kinds of attitudes and folk psychological notions of â€Å"mental illness† still remain, which leads some people (particularly lesbians) to remain safely in the closet. However, doing so poses a great risk to the psychology of the lesbian in question. Nevertheless, as Nanette Gartrell1 points out, â€Å"coming out of the closet† is the only way to resolve many of the problem that afflict lesbians who feel that silence is necessary for their jobs, homes, economic security, families, friends, or their children. Gartrell surveys the history of lesbianism by looking at its history of psychological evaluation. Like male homosexuality, it was treated as an â€Å"illness† or as a matter of abnormal psychology. While it is clear today that there is no physical basis for such a scientific conclusion, in previous times the science was made to reflect a value-based conclusion instead of a factual one. Freud, like in many of his examinations, created an elaborate explanation for lesbianism, using a series of his concepts. Likewise, Helene Deutsch explained lesbianism by looking at the phenomenon as a â€Å"perversion†, which is a patently anti-scientific inference. Criticism of this psychological methodology led to advances in the study of lesbianism from a psychological perspective, and thus a better understanding of the phenomenon itself. No longer were lesbians categorically seen as â€Å"perverse† by researchers: indifferent investigations could pursue the truth about the pl ace of lesbians relative to heterosexual women in the

Workflow Interdependence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Workflow Interdependence - Case Study Example The departments handling the processing can come together to increase the capacity as well as pool their resources together. They can network with one another in order to get experts to work in different departments to provide input and boost results as they all work for the same company. In order for proper interdependence to occur, it is necessary to limit the time used in the different departments for effectiveness. The processing time for example should be shortened and this is only possible with increase in capacity of the workers handling the processing. Lack of interchanging ideas and frequent open communication is what is leading to slow processing as well as risking an increase in customer complaints affecting the overall performance of the company. More interdependence means more ultimate success for the supervisors, workers and customers (Bhatia, 2008). The workflow issues are not managed properly as there are problems with communication between departments as well as issues with the technology. If the current design can focus on their workflow technology, then their design problems can be a thing of the past. The problems with the current design are evident in the article from the point in which customers are returning the products, asking for refund and the long time it takes to correct the product (Chandan, 2009). The current design of the workflow relies on the reception department to place the products in the right departments. Once each department is assigned a product, it is up to the supervisor to seek the workers to carry out assessment and those who will carry out the actual work on the product depending on their skills and knowledge of the product. This whole process consumes a lot of time which can be used in creation of more effective structures and design to minimize errors in future. Organizational effectiveness demands proper coordination

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Formative and Sumative Evaluations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Formative and Sumative Evaluations - Essay Example The methods of actual teaching and of evaluating teachers are also affected by these advancements. With the changing world, the need to adapt methods of measuring teachers' performance was seen as necessary. "As the technological age continues to render traditional classroom practices obsolete, many educators are still untrained and apprehensive when it comes to technology integration. Therefore, a paradigm shift is needed that requires more than just a quick-fix staff development solution, especially since the No Child Left Behind Act stipulates that educators must be "highly qualified" by the end of the 2005-06 school year. This leads to the expectation that teachers will create learning environments which challenge and broaden their students' comprehensive use of technology" (Janice M. Hinson, 2005). However, recent studies show that although computers and internet are highly accesible to the teacher, with the figure reaching 99%, only 39% are found to have integrated the use of technology in their lesson. Of these figure, only 33% feel that they are preapred to integrate technology tot heir teaching, while the other 66% felt that they are somewhat prepared or not at all.(NCES). "So, it should come as no surprise that while many principals want to improve technology integration in their schools, they just do not know how or where to begin. They realize that to promote meaningful technological changes, their teachers must be given opportunities to acquire the skills needed to use technology and then apply them in the context of the curriculum" (Multimedia Schools, 2003). "However, technology professional development is usually delivered by district-level personnel as "one-size-fits-all" workshops that focus on techniques for using software packages and management tools. These workshops often are not part of a cohesive improvement plan; thus, instructional changes are not adopted or sustained over time" (Janice M. Hinson, 2005). Teacher Evaluation is a very important practice that helps ensure this development among teachers. It is very important so that ineffective teacher evaluation systems are seen to be more costly than effective ones. (Sawa, 1995) This statement edifies the importance of a sound and truthful evalutation technique. A Brief History It has been known that the appraisal of teachers is as old as teaching itself (Sawa, 1995). However, formal teacher's evaluation was traced to have begun at the turn of the 20th century to about 1980 (Robert F. McNergney). It's history might be divided into three overlapping categories: (1) The Search for Great Teachers; (2) Inferring Teacher Quality from Student Learning; and (3) Examining Teaching Performance (Robert F. McNergney). "Arvil Barr's 1948 compendium of research on teaching competence noted that supervisors' ratings of teachers were the metric of choice. A few researchers, however, examined average gains in student achievement for the purpose of Inferring Teacher Quality from Student Learning. They assumed, for good reason, that supervisors' opinions of teachers revealed little or nothing about student learning. Indeed, according to Medley and his colleagues, these early findings were "most discouraging." The average correlation between teacher characteristics and student learning, as measured most often by achievement tests, was zero. Some characteristics related positively to student

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Homework - Assignment Example The scientific method of geologists is to collect information, observe it , try a lot of different assumptions, read and discuss other peoples papers and grope their way toward greater certainty, or at least figure the answers with the best odds. The Canadian shield, is a vast stretch of land covering the North America covered with thin layer of soil. It is also known as the Laurentian plateau. It is a collage of structural provinces composed of igneous rocks which are of volcanic origin. The areas covered in the shield have a deep, common, joined bedrock region in Eastern and Central Canada and in the North covering Great Lakes to the Arctic Ocean, and in the South covering part of USA. The Shield is one of the worlds richest areas in terms of  mineral  ores. It is filled with substantial deposits of  nickel,  gold,  silver, and  copper. Throughout the Shield there are many mining towns extracting these minerals. The Canadian Shield is a mosaic of structural provinces, each with characteristic internal structural trends and styles of folding. Volcanic eruptions and the movement of lava on the region lead to formation of folding on the surface. The Earths internal heat source provides the energy for our dynamic planet, supplying it with the driving force for plate-tectonic motion, and for on-going catastrophic events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This internal heat energy was much greater in the early stages of the Earth than it is today, having accumulated rapidly by heat conversion associated with three separate processes, all of which were most intense during the first few hundred thousand years of the Earths history: (1) extraterrestrial impacts, (2) gravitational contraction of the Earths interior, and (3) the radioactive decay of unstable isotopes. It is a theory that states that the Earth’s crust has been formed as a result of some worldwide occurring disaster, by some sudden, short-lived and violent sequence

Monday, September 23, 2019

Small and Medium Enterprises in Green Business Industry Research Proposal

Small and Medium Enterprises in Green Business Industry - Research Proposal Example In this section of the study, the current research on the industry would be analyzed with respect to the business operations and its effect on customers’ issues. The discussion would be segregated based on the theories and business operations. Vectair Holdings is a privately held company which has been categorized under the holding companies. The company is involved in the process of manufacturing and selling hygiene products. The company has a workforce of 40 employees and  £9.90 million. Previous years the sales of the product were  £9.2 million. This shows that the company has been growing steadily. The demand for these products is increasing at a robust rate and it is believed that such companies will drive the green business industry. Likewise, another renowned SME of Southern England, Basingstoke Skip Hire & Southern is a company involved in the business of waste management services. The company has net sales of  £9.90 million and employs around 68 people. The company is highly recognized as one of the most responsible citizens of society. The green business industry is considered for this study because firstly, green business is the future of the global market and extensive research and learning are going on in this industry. Among the SMEs, the green business is one of the top industries which have become the most inspiring segment in the world market, according to the London Stock Exchange (London Stock Exchange, 2013d).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Personal Life and Success Essay Example for Free

Personal Life and Success Essay At what point do you stop when you have achieved successfulness? This is a million dollar question that has pondered through the minds of humans for ages. Success is perceived differently in every individual. But what opinion is correct? What is the perfect formula for a successful life? Does success consist of the amount of money you earn or power or is success based on happiness? To achieve ultimate success, is contentment vital? These are the questions that make the word â€Å"success† so subjective. What is the correct definition of success? In the dictionary it states that it is the accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Depending on your personal purpose in life, success is achieved at different levels. Everyone has a different purpose in life that they would like to achieve. Thus, who determines what success means is based on their goals in life. Money or popularity may be someone’s purpose so they would define that as success. On the contrary, does living your life everyday with no regrets or not worrying about money make you a successful person? When do we know when to stop when success is finally achieved? Do you stop working for success when you have all the money in the world or do you stop when you are comfortable with your lifestyle? Particular people believe success is when you are content with the life you live, not worrying about money or the everyday struggles of life. Others may conclude success is based on your income or how nice of an automobile you drive. It depends what you view as a satisfied lifestyle. Unfortunately our society revolves and relies on money. Though that sounds contradicting, money plays a great role in everyone’s lives. In order to support a family and own a house, currency is vital. We live in a society where money controls all. Without a decent job and a steady income, happiness seems so distant in the modern American life. We believe getting an education and earning a salary will bring happiness and joy. I am not saying money is the key to success but it’s a foundation in our modern society. My father is a great example of how success is viewed differently in each person. He was a man who never went to college but was determine to be successful. He worked hard since he was in high school and now works for Boat and Motors Superstore where he manages his own boat parts department. My father loves working with boats and loves his family. If you were to ask him, his life has been successful. My father measures success with how much joy is brought to his life on a regular basis. A secure job and a loving family fulfill his goal which ultimately makes him a successful person in his eyes. He does not focus on whether he has a higher income than others, my father’s man concern is security and happiness of himself and his family which is a quality that I cherish as well. The way I interpret success may be unique but I believe joyfulness will be present. My perspective of being successful resembles my father’s goals in life. I may not be wealthy or famous by any means but if I can maintain a stable job and a healthy family I would consider myself the most successful person in the world. Since the word success is more of an opinion based definition, the only way to measure success is if you are happy with the purpose you set in life that you would love to achieve. In other words, if you are happy with the person and life that is bestowed upon you today, then you have found success. What is success is a question from the past and will continue to be the question of the future. I believe there will never be one accepted answer. If that answer is ever found, please feel free to inform me. But when looking back on your life that you lived, ask yourself if you were happy. If you were, I honestly believe you will feel successful. I think success does not always mean happiness, but happiness always means success. I may be erroneous towards the classification of the word success, but an opinion is neither right nor wrong. I hope one day we can call ourselves successful and find out if happiness trails along with it.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Effects of Three Body Transformed Hamiltonian

Effects of Three Body Transformed Hamiltonian CHAPTER – 6 CONTRIBUTION OF THREE BODY TRANSFORMED HAMILTONIAN () THROUGH FULL CONNECTED TRIPLE EXCITATION COUPLED CLUSTER OPERATORS TO VALENCE IONIZATION POTENTIALS OF F2 AND Cl2 COMPUTED VIA EIP-VUMRCCSDÏ„ SCHEME 6.1 Introduction In this work, the effects of three body transformed Hamiltonian through full connected triples is studied on F2 and Cl2. To see the role of [1] in terms of magnitude, two kinds of computations named scheme–A and scheme–B are done. Scheme – A includes along with the other usual diagrams for EIP-MRCCSDà ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ´ matrix [1-4]. In scheme–B, the term is totally absent. In this calculations, two chemically interesting and challenging molecules F2, and Cl2 ( because Fluorine atom is most electronegative, and Cl2 contains as many as 34 electrons ) are considered . The basis sets cc-pVDZ and cc-pVTZ (spherical Gaussians) [5] and experimental equilibrium geometry are used in these computations. The basis sets were collected from : Table 6.1 and 6.2 contain all results. 6.2. Results and Discussion Both the molecules are linear and centro-symmetric and hence their point group is D∞h out of which we consider only the largest abelian sub-group D2h. All outer-valence main vertical IPs are presented in Table 6.1. Since independent particle model is valid here, some Koopmans’ configurations appear while going from one basis to another. Naturally, there is same one-to-one correspondence between scheme-A and scheme-B also. For single bonded molecule F2, the contribution of is small. For 2ÃŽ  u state , the differences in the case of cc-pVDZ and cc-pVTZ are 0.026 eV(.600 kcal/mol) and 0.029 eV(0.669 kcal/mol) respectively. For 2ÃŽ  u state of Cl2, the difference (cc-pVDZ) 0.040 eV(0.922 kcal/mol) is significant in view of that we are considering here the correlation dynamics of outer valence electrons. Experimental IPs are presented in the Tables with a view to realizing the reliability of our theoretical results only. Too accurate comparison is not possible here because of the restraint of our starting basis sets. For that, approaching towards basis set saturation as much as possible is necessary. Since scheme-A (as it includes ) gives more accurate IP. From now on or unless otherwise explicitly mentioned, it will be assumed that a theoretical IP value relates to scheme-A only. In the inner valence region, the sizes of the basis sets sometimes influence the IP-profile of the same molecule in higher energy regions considerably. The single bonded F2 molecule is studied first, the IPs of which are presented in Table 6.2. The first 2ÃŽ £g+ satellite of F2 shows that maximum contribution of is by an amount 1.117 eV(25.758 kcal/mol) for cc-pVDZ basis and 0.910 eV(20.985 kcal/mol) for cc-pVTZ basis. The difference (cc-pVTZ) 1.117 eV(25.758 kcal/mol) for 2ÃŽ £g+ is significant. In 2ÃŽ  u state, the maximum contributions are 0.773 eV(17.826 kcal/mol) for cc-pVDZ basis and 0.911 eV(21.001 kcal/mol) for cc-pVTZ basis respectively. In 2ÃŽ £u+ state, the contributions are 0.256 eV(5.903 kcal/mol) for cc-pVDZ basis and 0.267 eV(6.157 kcal/mol) for cc-pVTZ basis. Other satellites do not have the basis-to-basis correspondence. However, scheme-A to scheme-B correspondence is retained, which is based on the dominant configurations with expansion co-efficient à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¾ 0 .3 or more. The next test case is Cl2 molecule, the IPs of which are presented in Table 6.2. The first 2ÃŽ £g+ satellite of Cl2 shows that maximum contribution of is by an amount 0.223 eV(5.142 kcal/mol) for cc-pVDZ basis and 1.305 eV(30.094 kcal/mol) for cc-pVTZ basis, respectively. In 2ÃŽ  u state, the contribution is 0.167 eV(3.851 kcal/mol) for cc-pVDZ basis. In 2ÃŽ £u+ state, the maximum contribution is 1.269 eV(29.263 kcal/mol) for cc-pVDZ basis, no such value for cc-pVTZ basis is found. The IPs onwards are arranged on the basis of dominant configurations. If dominant configurations differ from basis-to-basis substantially, they are put in different rows in the tables. Thus, some IP values which appear in case of cc-pVDZ may not appear at all in case of cc-pVTZ, and vice versa. Similarly, an IP for a basis appearing in scheme-A may be absent in scheme-B, and vice versa. While in the first case it is due to basis-set effect, in the second case it is due to . If for an IP, scheme-A to scheme-B correspondence is observed, only then it is possible to make a comment on the amount by which the IP has been shifted to what extent in scheme-B relative to Scheme-A. In other words, a quantitative picture of the effect of can be made. For quite a few IPs, the contributions of are significant. The values mentioned in parenthesis are relative intensities along with IPs. Molecule States Configurations Basis :cc-pVDZ Basis: cc-pVTZ Expt Scheme-A Scheme-B à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…’Ãâ€"â‚ ¬DiffÃâ€"â‚ ¬(eV) Scheme-A Scheme-B Ãâ€"â‚ ¬Diffà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…’à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…’à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…’Ãâ€"â‚ ¬ (eV) F2 2ÃŽ  g 1Ï€g -1 15.124 (0.933) 15.136 (0.932) 0.012 15.415 (0.928) 15.429 (0.927) 0.014 15.87a 15.70b 2ÃŽ  u 1Ï€u -1 18.190 (0.873) 18.216 (0.867) 0.026 18.492 (0.874) 18.521 (0.869) 0.029 18.8a 18.4b 2ÃŽ £+g 3ÏÆ'g -1 20.671 (0.956) 20.652 (0.954) 0.019 20.926 (0.948) 20.908 (0.947) 0.018 21.1a Cl2 2ÃŽ  g 2Ï€g -1 11.138 (0.954) 11.136 (0.954) 0.002 11.318 (0.948) 11.315 (0.948) 0.003 11.49b 2ÃŽ  u 2Ï€u -1 14.037 (0.059) 13.997 (0.916) 0.040 14.162 (0.911) 14.160 (0.911) 0.002 14.0b 2ÃŽ £+g 5ÏÆ'g -1 15.687 (0.952) 17.467 (0.018) 17.446 (0.018) 0.021 15.806 (0.942) 15.792 (0.942) 19.698 (0.008) 0.014 15.8b Table 6.1 : Contribution of the diagrams for three-body transformed Hamiltonian of 3h2p-3h2p block of EIP-MRCCSDÏ„ matrix (Fig.3.3, Chap. 3 ) to vertical ionization potentials ( in eV) of outer valence region (relative intensities have been put in the parentheses ) 1 eV = 23 .06035 kcal/mol aRef.[6] bRef.[7] Table 6.2 : Contribution of the diagrams for three-body transformed Hamiltonian of 3h2p-3h2p block of EIP-MRCCSDÏ„ matrix (Fig.3.3, Chap. 3) to inner valence main and satellite vertical ionization potentials ( in eV) of F2 and Cl2 Mol States Basis : cc-pVDZ Basis : cc-pVTZ Expt. Scheme-A Scheme- B à Ã¢â‚¬   Diff à Ã¢â‚¬   Scheme- A Scheme- B I Diff I F2 2ÃŽ £+g 29.680(0.016) 40.785(0.043) 42.672(0.436) 50.701(0.056) 54.836(0.101) 28.863(0.015) 40.835(0.015) 42.653(0.047) 50.600(0.060) 53.719(0.056) 0.817 0.050 0.019 0.101 1.117 41.916(0.659) 42.800(0.157) 42.889(0.048) 50.482(0.190) 41.961(0.617) 42.910(0.149) 42.385(0.059) 50.367(0.032) 0.045 0.910 0.404 0.115 41.75c 2ÃŽ  u 24.524(0.028) 32.416(0.065) 33.151(0.014) 33.671(0.021) 45.999(0.011) 51.633(0.015) 24.461(0.032) 31.643(0.050) 44.431(0.020) 50.239(0.020) 0.063 0.773 25.014(0.026) 32.936(0.039) 24.940(0.029) 32.025(0.052) 0.074 0.911 2ÃŽ  g 41.063(0.021) 42.117(0.013) 47.846(0.022) 40.314(0.067) 0.251 42.491(0.011) 48.659(0.013) 40.691(0.047) 2ÃŽ £+u 29.110(0.015) 29.203(0.040) 32.669(0.017) 37.491(0.675) 28.857(0.012) 32.413(0.017) 37.480(0.743) 0.253 0.256 0.011 29.690(0.030) 29.762(0.038) 33.195(0.022) 29.432(0.039) 32.928(0.023) 37.289(0.667) 0.330 0.267 37.47c cRef.[8] Table 6.2 continued Mol States Basis : cc-pVDZ Basis : cc-pVTZ Expt. Scheme-A Scheme- B à Ã¢â‚¬   Diff à Ã¢â‚¬   Scheme- A Scheme- B I Diff I Cl2 2ÃŽ £+g 22.222(0.027) 25.085(0.013) 28.214(0.650) 29.962(0.020) 37.302(0.038) 22.137(0.026) 25.041(0.012) 28.202(0.635) 29.739(0.029) 37.237(0.038) 0.085 0.044 0.012 0.223 0.065 22.443(0.034) 26.423(0.019) 26.655(0.073) 27.479(0.164) 29.939(0.032) 34.358(0.021) 22.356(0.033) 26.637(0.019) 26.684(0.059) 27.477(0.152) 31.244(0.048) 35.660(0.004) 35.631(0.048) 0.087 0.214 0.029 0.002 1.305 2ÃŽ  u 23.119(0.083) 22.974(0.059) 31.017(0.017) 22.967(0.059) 27.466(0.002) 29.075(0.002) 29.514(0.003) 30.663(0.002) 31.000(0.018) 31.258(0.009) 0.007 0.017 2ÃŽ  g 25.579(0.029) 25.412(0.023) 0.167 22.607(0.002) 25.606(0.015) 31.139(0.002) 33.351(0.014) 33.470(0.012) 34.804(0.010) 25.534(0.011) 26.019(0.006) 31.076(0.002) 33.308(0.008) 33.404(0.011) 34.099(0.003) 34.804(0.003) 34.844(0.011) 36.413(0.007) 37.059(0.002) 37.728(0.002) 38.080(0.002) 38.619(0.001) 48.004(0.001) 48.067(0.001) 0.072 0.063 0.043 0.066 0.040 2ÃŽ £+u 22.258(0.297) 24.399(0.279) 26.268(0.185) 38.132(0.025) 41.469(0.025) 22.222(0.275) 24.339(0.289) 26.220(0.184) 38.082(0.023) 40.200(0.018) 0.036 0.000 0.048 0.050 1.269 22.404(0.424) 24.413(0.111) 26.214(0.071) 31.646(0.033) 34.124(0.021) 36.911(0.042) 37.325(0.013) 22.376(0.341) 24.413(0.274) 31.587(0.032) 34.076(0.022) 34.454(0.029) 36.803(0.045) 38.207(0.027) 0.028 0.000 0.059 0.048 0.108 6.3 Conclusion The present calculations show that for F2 and Cl2, the above-said effect sometimes is considerably high and may even be more than 21 kcal/mol (F2 : cc-pVTZ) and 29 kcal/mol (Cl2 : cc-pVDZ) which are much presumably due to high electronegativity of F and Cl atoms. This suggests that inclusion of is essential in high accuracy EIP-VUMRCC IP calculations. References [1] K. Adhikari, S. Chattopadhyay, R. K. Nath, B. K. De, D. Sinha, Chem. Phys. Lett.  474 (2009) 199. [2] S. Chattopadhyay, A. Mitra, D. Jana, P. Ghosh and D. Sinha, Chem. Phys. Lett. 361  (2002) 298. [3] S. Chattopadhyay, A. Mitra and D. Sinha, J. Chem. Phys. 125 (2006) 244111. [4] K. Adhikari, S. Chattopadhyaya, B. K. De, A. Sharma, R. K. Nath, D. Sinha, J. Comp.  Chem. 34 (2013) 1291. [5] EMSL Basis Set Library ( [6] G. Bieri, A. Schemelzer, L. Ã…sbrink and M. Jonsson, Chem. Phys. 49 (1980) 213. [7] A. B. cornfored, D. C. Frost, C. A. McDowell, J. L. Ragle, and I. A. Stenhouse, J.  Chem. Phys. 54 (1971) 2651. [8] P. Weightman, T. D. Thomas and D. R. Jennison, J. Chem. Phys. 78 (1983) 1652. 1

Friday, September 20, 2019

Computer Systems :: essays research papers

Computer Systems Push a single button and you are connected to the world. It has revolutionized our economy, culture, and lifestyle. It connects you to the world through the internet, where you can check e-mail or read the news. It also allows you to process and store important data and information. When you think of computers you think of a variety of things, such as games, the internet, and e-mail. The computer in our generation serves as a tool to educate and entertain. The technology for computers is growing rapidly, as many companies compete to advance hardware and software. Over the past years, the battle has been between Apple (Macs) and IBM (PCs). While both Macs and PCs make their product to suit the needs of the consumer, they are built differently. Therefore, Apples and PCs have two different strategies when it comes to selling a product. I think the biggest differences are shown in three main categories: design/style, software/performance, and reliability/cost. Apple is known best for their innovative and stylish designs. When you compare Macs and PCs side by side, you can easily distinguish which is which. First, Apple computers are becoming more compact in size. Their new system designs include the display (monitor) integrated with the rest of the computer. The Apple’s iMac is a good example of how compact their systems are becoming. The PC on the other hand, is laid out in separate components such as the display and speakers that you plug into the desktop. Second, Apple computers have a more contemporary look. This has proven to be a great marketing and selling strategy. This new distinctive look makes the computer more appealing to the customer. Macs came out with a variety of translucent colors such as green, blue, and orange. New Apple products are coming out with very clean-looking all white models. PCs, on the other hand, are usually sold in grey or black colors, depending upon the company you buy from. I think Apple intended to make their design more like an appliance, rather than a computer, which looks user friendly and consumer appealing. Third, Apple’s design makes it easy to set up, meaning that you don’t need to connect many cords to operate the system. Easy Set up is a big plus when it comes to buying a computer. And last of all, instead of looking like a box with slots, Apple has designed computers using more shape.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Thou Shalt not Trample on the Constitution :: essays research papers fc

Thou Shalt not Trample on the Constitution. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. This is the first amendment to the Constitution. In essence this states that the government will not become involved or sponsor any religion. There is a reason our founding fathers added this amendment to the Constitution. Any time a government becomes involved with religion or visa versa, Disaster happens. If you want evidence of this look at the history of Europe for the past 700 years and see what chaos has arisen when religion and the state intertwine. Yet we do not seem to be learning from the past. Congress on June 17, 1999, passed a law that slaps the First Amendment in the face. That law allowed for the states to choose to post the Ten Commandments in public schools and other government buildings. The law that was proposed by Rep. Bob Barr (R-GA), Rep. Robert Alderholt (R-Al), and Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL). The bill was created in response to the Columbine shootings that took place April 20, 1999. The bill was swept through the house at a time when the country was in shock over the shootings. There were several reasons why the house felt the need to pass such a bill. Rep. Alderhold believed that it is an important step to promote morality, and an end of children killing children. (Leavitt) Rep. Hyde believes that the amendment should â€Å"slow the flood of toxic waste into the minds of our children.† (Webster) Rep. Barr went as far to say that if â€Å"Columbine had the Ten Commandments posted that the massacre of April 20th would not have occurred.†(Webster) Thes e are the arguments for the Ten Commandments to be posted in public schools. These are the best reasons our elected representatives could come up with to slap the First Amendment in the face. Is it really as Rep. Alderholt said â€Å"We have the freedom of religion, not freedom from religion†? (Leavitt) According to the Supreme Court The honorable Alderholt is wrong. In 1980 the Supreme Court ruled that a similar Kentucky law, which required all classrooms to post a copy of the Decalogue, was unconstitutional. The oppositions' arguments against this law are enormous.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

For a business there is many things that is required to keep that business in business. For example, In order to create an product the society must choose upon it’s needs, resources they have and choose based on it’s populations and other available markets.The factors of production is the readiness to work on answer the three questions (What?, How? and For whom?) in order to solve the problems of scarcity. Scarcity is a resources that is limited, a certain number of available resource. Or paying simple bills to stay in a certain location. To sell a certain amount products could affect how a business runs, based off it’s amount of products sold. And then there is the factors of production. Land isn’t about where something is located in a area, Labor is the help to create things, and Capital and Entrepreneurship are necessary to a business. What does factors of production got to do with land? Well Land isn’t all about where a business is located. It’s mostly about the natural resources, which for example are diamonds, wood, water, coal, gold, etc. And this deserves to be ranked first. I think so because with no resources no business won’t be able to run successfully. Aswell most resources have scarcity to create an product with could cause a business owner to look for for an alternative resource. If there wasn’t land in the factor of production, most of the businesses would fail because they won’t be making money by not being able to create products. So overall land should be first since you got to have resources in order to create other new products. How does labor affect the factors of production and what is it’s main purpose? Well according to Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis, they say Labor is, â€Å" Labor is ... ...e they want to be successful without taking such high risks that could take their business down hill if they taken a risk. For sure every entrepreneur knows every risk can be good, but can have a negative effect if taken the wrong way. But to another person they would definitely disagree with my view because not everyone has the same opinion. But also other people have different opinions about how they see the factors of production too. For example some may see Entrepreneurship as being first because of being high of risk. Then they could see Capital second because of money and the equipment for a business. As for Labor they would say third because not much as important than the money and equipment a business would need. And finally Land being last because they might not care where some business is located, but not thinking natural resources out there for land.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Egypt’s Position on the Arab Israeli Conflict Essay

one. The Kingdom was from this time ruled as one by several dynasties. . This state which was formed in On 18 June 1953, the Egyptian Republic was declared. (Breasted & Piccione, 2001). The 18th Dynasty however is the one that marked the kingdom as an international in the period circa 1550 and 1070 BC. Egypt’s strategic geographic position which gave it control over the Suez Canal attracted the French and the British who sat in its cabinet and controlled the Suez and to a great extend the entire country during the late years of the 16th century (Breasted & Piccione, 2001). The British later colonized Egypt after the first world wear. It was the treatment the brutish gave the Egyptians that caused a revolution which ended up with Egypt being declared an independent state in 1922. Because of the remaining presence of the British and the monarchy form of ruling, more revolutions took place and ousted the resulting to the declaration of Egypt as a republic in June 1953. Egypt’s ideologies are mostly based on the Islamic religion as all its leaders since it became a republic have been Arab Muslims (Al-Azmeh, 1993). Egypt ideologies are based ion internationalism where it tries to have the best diplomatic relationships with all countries internationally. Egypt unlike other Arab countries deals well with the western countries and has a good relationship with Israeli, a country the rest of the Arab countries detest. The country also believes in nationalism and socialism where resources are distributed and intended to be owned by the people and not just few individuals in the country (Al-Azmeh, 1993). The country has tried to establish democracy in its politics allowing the citizens to choose their own leaders. This has not been very successful as there still are reports of leader rigging elections. In the world’s politics, Egypt takes a moderate position, tries to be fair to both the western and the Arab nations. Egypt mainly aims at building its international image. Egypt’s foreign policies have always been moderate. The country has a great influence on political matters in both Africa where it is situated and the Middle East because of its diplomatic expertise, significantly large population, military strength and its geographical position which is very strategic (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). I n the recent decades, Egypt’s foreign policies have aimed at enhancing the country’s relations both regionally and internationally by supporting structural reforms, liberalization in social economy and global economy integration which are perceived to be the best measures to employ in achieving full economic development. Egypt’s was in support of the Declaration of Principles treaty as they interpreted it to be supportive of their ideologies ion what would bring a lasting peace to the Middle East. The fact that the declaration transferred power over west bank and Gaza was in accordance with Egypt’s belief that the withdrawal of Israel from Palestinian Territories was the key to a lasting peace (Brown, 2004). Egypt thus responded by doing what was expected of it during the agreement as they believed that the declaration would bring a lasting peace if both sides kept to their side of the bargain. The Declaration of Principles required Egypt to help the two nations in cooperating so as to achieve the peace that was longed for in the Middle East. Egypt also supported the declaration as it included maintenance of security though by only Israel. Egypt has always believed that security was vital for peace hence supported by helping provide police officers and passports to the Palestinian citizens as was required by the agreement. Countries such as Iran, Israeli Settlers and Syria did not participate in the agreement as they did not believe that the peace would last. Others thought that the agreement was a threat to them and did not want it to succeed. Most of these nations also are Islamic and view Jews to be a threat to their religion hence were hesitated in supporting the peace talks. Most groups believe that DOP process stopped in 2000 which could be true as the events that are currently happening violate the agreements made. Egypt’s foreign policies are also committed to ensuring that a lasting peace which is comprehensive can come to the Middle East. It does so by being involved actively in the efforts that that can achieve the peace. Egypt for example was the first Arab nation to sign a peace treaty with Israel, a move which caused Israel to be expelled from the Arab League (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). The treaty required Israel to completely withdraw and retreat from Sinai in 1979 in exchange for peaceful normal diplomatic relations according to which Israeli honoured and withdrew. The two countries have since then had good diplomatic relations that are peaceful (Embassy of Egypt, 2009) Egypt believes that peace can only come to the Middle East if the efforts being made are comprehensive at making Israeli withdraw from the Palestinian territories it has been occupying that prevent the creation of an independent Palestine. Egypt also believes that Israel has to recognize and respect Palestine’s political rights in the controversial Jerusalem. Egypt has therefore been at the forefront in constantly assisting the partners negotiating in the peace process towards applying the Israeli withdrawal for peace to be achieved (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt also believes that it is possible for stable peace to be achieved between Israel and Palestine if mechanisms can be adopted that would ensure that security is maintained by both parties so that one party can not take advantage of its economic and military superiority to attack the other party. Egypt proposes the region to be freed from weapons of mass destruction in order to enhance security and reduce attacks on each other (Embassy of Egypt, 2009). Egypt further explains that a framework that would ensure regional cooperation needs to be established as it would enhance peace stability and benefit the individuals in the region. As discussed above, Egypt believes that there is possibility for potential future peace agreement which may be solely between Israel and the Palestinian because the disruption of peace in the entire Middle East is attributed to the conflict between the two nations. The conflict between Israel and other Arab nation is also a result of the conflict between it and Palestine. Solving the conflict between Israel and Palestine thus is the answer to bringing peace in the Middle East. Egypt advocates for peace between the two nations and want it be such that security is maintained in the two nations and that they are both disarmed of any weapons of mass destruction. Egypt believes that it is lack of security and presence of the weapons that encourages the two nations to attack each other. Egypt also advocates for the establishment of a framework as discussed earlier that would enhance cooperation between the two nations towards promoting peace stability that will be beneficial to the people I n the region (Brown, 2004). If a peace conference was held today, Egypt would still support a peace deal between the two nations. Egypt supports a two state solution just like the United States does (Asharq Alawshat, 2009). This is because Egypt believes in bringing a comprehensive and lasting peace to the Middle East. Following the most recent attacks on the Gaza strip by Israel which left hundreds of Palestinians dead, and the persistent occupation of Israel in areas that are rightfully Palestinians, Egypt would want a peace deal to be reached in which Israel must retreat and withdraw from occupying these areas so that Palestine can become an independent state as it was before the Israel occupation of its territories (Asharq Alawshat, 2009). Egypt will not accept either Israel or Palestine to own weapons of mass destruction as this would easily trigger another conflict in the event a peace agreement was reached. This is so as to stop the two nations from carrying on attacks and bombings on each other. Egypt would also not accept the deal if Israel did not withdraw from the Palestinian territories it currently is occupying. Egypt would offer diplomatic support as it always has in reaching a peace deal between the two nations (Brown, 2004). Egypt would be ready to act as a mediator between the two nations as they negotiate as it has good relations with both of them. Egypt believes that Israel should recognise Palestine’s rights regarding Jerusalem, during the peace conference, it would advocate for the recognition to be included in the terms of the final peace deal as Jerusalem is important to Palestine just as it is to Israel. Egypt wants a lasting peace in the Middle East and would do everything it can to help achieve it. Word count: 1500 References Al-Azmeh, A. (1993). Islams and Modernities. New York: Verso. Asharq Alawshat. (2009). Latest News. Retrieved 109th May 2009 from, < http://www. asharq-e. com/>. Breasted, J. & Piccione, A. P. (2001). Ancient Records of Egypt. Chicago, Illinois : University of Illinois Press. Brown. C. L. (2004). Diplomacy in the Middle East: The International Relations of Regional and Outside Powers. New york, NY : I. B. Tauris. Embassy of Egypt. (2009). Political System. Derived 19th May 2009 from

Monday, September 16, 2019

How to reflate France’s economy Essay

Introduction There are two different ways to help France’s economy get back on track. They are austerity and growth. Austerity programs consist in a set of policies established by governments in financial debt difficulties. These policies aim to reduce spending for public goods and services. (Example in France, with president Sarkozy, approximately 150.000 civil servants were fired, this decreased the amount of money used to pay civil servants in France, which in turn, made it possible to run the country without having to borrow as much money). Growth programs consist in increasing the GDP and spending money, to reflate the economy. Of course this money has to come from somewhere, so growth programs often include imposing a lot of taxes. (Example in France, with president Hollande, taxes were imposed on bank profits, and taxes on the richest part of the population were increased). Economists are very divided on this subject, and both of theoretically work; it depends of the situation we are in. Economic Program Austerity is a short term solution only; a country’s economy cannot rely on it forever. This is why as a president; it would be good to start by making the debt of France smaller, then using this to our advantage, and Firstly, we have to make France more competitive. To do this, we will change the work time of the French, and their minimum age of retirement. Today, the French work on a minimum basis of 35 hours per week, and retire at a minimum age of 60. To make France more competitive, we will change these to 40 hours, and an age of 64. The average life span keeps on rising thanks to better health care; it would only go well for the economy if people were to work a few years more, because there would be less to pay for people who work. The 40 hours will be payed the same, because if there were the same amount of workers in a company but all of them had to be payed more, the company in question would either lose money in paying them, or fire a part of them. To increase competitivity, we have to make the price of production in France lower, so that fewer companies send their production in China for example. To do so, we have to lower the national insurance contribution payed by the employer to pay his workers in France. Products that are made in France will therefore be more expensive because the workers are payed in France than in China for example. To counter this, we will add a tax on products (depending on the price of the product) made in countries that have very cheap labor. (China, Vietnam, Turkey, Thailand, etc†¦) This will bring part of the production back to France, and the loss of money in the lowering of the national insurance contribution will be compensated by the tax. Next, we will reduce the salaries of the ministers and the president. The salaries of the ministers is now of 9940 euros (Under president Hollande), which will be reduced by 30%, leaving them with 6660 euros per month. The salary of the president is now of 14 910 euros (Under president Hollande); it will be reduced by 40%, leaving the president with 8950 euros per month. We would also stop having mayors in every single city, and do like in the U.S.A, which is to instate a governor for each department. This governor would be in charge of all the cities in his department, and when a decision is to be made, 20 inhabitants of the department will be called, to hold a â€Å"committee† and make the decision. It will be a duty, which means the inhabitants will have to go. This will help the economy, as there will be only one person to pay per department, and not dozens of mayors, it also gives a â€Å"voice† to the citizens in decision making. There are many people who are unemployed in France (10%) and receive unemployment benefit for a very long time, without trying to find work. As this does not motivate them to find one because they receive money without doing anything, we will keep on giving this unemployment benefit, but only for 2 months, the time for them to find work. This reform will motivate them to find work, this way they will be productive, therefore helping a company or industry to grow, and money will not be wasted. This change will of course also make unemployment decrease. Small companies are very important to the economy, as they might end up as the next multinationals, but they are heavily taxed, which makes them very hard for them to grow. If we make these taxes smaller, people would be encouraged to start their own companies, and this will create employment. Small companies that are already created will grow faster, and will create jobs, which will make the company itself more productive. These jobs will be there for the population receiving unemployment benefit. There will be a loss if we just relieve taxes on small companies, so we will compensate this by taxing bigger companies, which have already emerged, because they will not be affected by a tax as much as a small company. (The tax in question will not be too strong; it will just be enough to compensate for the loss in the tax relief on smaller companies) Education is a very important part of the French economy. Schools are here to â€Å"train† the future generations of workers. Access to education is free today in France, but the quality of this education is sometimes questionable. Firstly, there are not enough professors in the schools. It is logical that if there were to be one professor for 25 students, the quality of the education they would receive would be better than today, where we have in average one professor for 30 students. To compensate this lack of professors in schools, we will create 12000 jobs for professors in school; this will make the student/professor ratio smaller, which will increase the quality of the education received. To become a professor, you have to be â€Å"trained† two years in a university. This is not enough, considering the disciplinary problems in some schools. Professors should have 3 years of complete training, which would include a deeper disciplinary course, teaching methods, etc†¦ The principal sectors of production of France are agriculture, energy, tourism, trade and industry (France is one of the first industrial powers worldwide). Mass market retailing is choking the sector of trade, as it attracts the clients of little traders and makes mass profit out of it; it also allows itself to buy products at very low prices from producers (Farmers in the case of a supermarket). To resolve this problem, we would add a tax on products bought in mass market retailing services, which would bring clients back to the little traders, so that they don’t die out. Little trades do not buy products as low priced as supermarkets do, which would make money for producers. In the case of a supermarket, the trade and agriculture sector would both benefit from this tax. A French household produces in average 16.4 tons of Co2 every year; this is far too much. To avoid this, and preserve the environment, a tax will be imposed on households that end the year with more than 16 tons; of course this number will decrease every year to improve the given results. Renewable energies provide 13% of the electricity needed in France, nuclear energy provides 76% and fossil fuels provide 11%. We would invest in research for renewable energies (Hydro-energy, wind energy, solar energy), and close down the most risky nuclear reactors. (For example the 4 reactors in Blayais, Braud-et-Saint-Louis, which are not very productive and are very old and unsafe). Conclusion As a president, I would go towards austerity first, to reduce the debt of France, and to have more possibilities in my actions later. France is already in a dangerous situation, and going into a politic of growth would be spending too much money that we don’t have (Which is why I chose austerity as a short term solution), and it would be too much, France would go into a recession. After a period of austerity (Which means: after having reduced the debt), I would have gone in a politic of growth, which would have thrown France’s economy back on track.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Eugenics in Nazi Germany

The use of eugenics, or â€Å"racial hygiene† by the Nazi regime. Hitler’s intention as a political leader was to expand his empire and create a world government. Using the war as a preface to the mass genocide inflicted upon not only several racial and religious groups. He failed at expanding his empire and cleansing the population of all â€Å"genetic disorders† and what was considered defects in the general population. Though he did allow several hundred thousand mentally ill, physically handicapped, individuals deemed â€Å"unworthy† of life. Nazi Physicians were able to disguise their plans to annihilate what they regard as useless eaters.After public protest, Hitler orders a halt to the killing programs, but they are inevitably continued in secrecy. Under the disguise of war, Hitler sought to hide the mass extermination of those that Germany believed were â€Å"unworthy† of life. Individuals who were mentally retarded, physically handicapped o r mentally ill were targeted for murder in a disguised euthanasia killing operation codenamed by the Nazis as â€Å"Operation T-4†. Nazi Germany used Hereditary Health Courts to register every known case of hereditary illness, diagnosed victims were able to use Appeal courts but few decisions were ever reversed.Germany was dominated by National Socialists for twelve years in which political, civil, and medical authorities targeted any individuals who suffered from hereditary diseases, persons with disabilities, and those individuals suffering from mental illness for procedures that would lead to death. In the beginning, Individuals marked for death would be bused to a psychiatric institution where Nazi officials used methods like lethal injection and disguised carbon monoxide gas chambers to eliminate any individuals they marked as â€Å"genetic parasites†.In labor camps the SS dispatched, in addition, 2,960 prisoners from Mauthausen and 1,881 from Gusen, a total of 4. 841 prisoners, to the Hartheim sanatorium and â€Å"euthanasia† killing center to be killed. Using procedures that were to be later instituted in the death camps, workers removed the corpses from gas chambers, extracted any gold teeth, and brought the bodies to the crematoria to be burned together and eventually placed in urns and prepared for the family in the event that the family requested the remains. After public protest against the euthanasia killings, Adolf Hitler ordered a halt to the Euthanasia Program.According to internal calculations and data gathered during the T-4 program, 70,273 institutionalized mentally and physically disabled people were killed at six gassing facilities between January 1940 and August 1941. Despite Hitler’s public â€Å"halt† to the Euthanasia program, the Child â€Å"euthanasia† program continued as before. One year after Hitler’s public halt to all euthanasia killing on August 1942, German medical professionals and healthcare workers resumed the killings in a more concealed manner than previous programs. Historians estimate that the â€Å"Euthanasia† Program, in all its phases, claimed the lives of 200,000 individuals.Nazi ideals for society include a population that is cleansed of all â€Å"genetic diseases† or any individual considered a useless eater. This belief was backed by scientists in Germany because they were influenced by a desire to use eugenics to perform â€Å"racial hygiene†, many supporters were medical professionals such as, physicians or psychiatrists. These medical professionals observed the population and made decisions about which individuals would be included in the euthanasia program. Individuals included were mostly mentally retarded, physically handicapped, or the mentally ill.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

How Ian Mcmillan Conveys His Attitudes Towards the Death of His Mother Essay

McMillan uses harsh words throughout the poem to show his grief and remorse at his mothers death. Words like â€Å"shatters† link with how he is feeling, like everything is broken and cannot be repaired. This word makes us imagine something broken into lots of tiny pieces which can’t be put back together again, and it helps us to understand how broken and jumbled up he is feeling. The word â€Å"slap† when talking about â€Å"the tears (that) slap my torn face† insinuates the idea that he is in physical pain, that the emotional pain he feels is is so strong that he physically hurts. In the first stanza, we find out about his mothers death. Enjambment is used to speed up the pace of the poem, and show how quickly someone’s whole live can change, like in the phraseâ€Å"In the moment it takes a life to pass/ from waking to sleeping† The phrase â€Å"from waking to sleeping† highlights the opposites in what he and his mother are doing, as she passes from life to death. The word ‘sleeping’ creates quiet a gentle image, and suggests that her death was not unexpected, and perhaps was drawn out and painful. Sleep is a very relaxed and calm time, the only time when the human mind can escape from problems in the day, so perhaps the idea of his mother falling asleep is comforting, like she has now stopped suffering and can rest happy. The second stanza uses a lot of words relating to the senses, to help us understand how McMillan is feeling. The sentence â€Å"outside a milk float chinks and shines† shows that the world is carrying on as normal, despite the fact that McMillan’s world has personally just stopped. The rhyming pattern throughout this poem is abab, but in this stanza the words â€Å"mine† and â€Å"shines† are meant to rhyme, but the fact that they don;t fully rhyme represents the disorientation he is feeling upon finding out about his mothers death, and perhaps also shows how nothing is quite right any more. Also, the word ‘drones’ when describing a plane has been used to represent the deep grief he is feeling, and makes us feel like he has completely given up. In the third stanza McMillan seems to be describing a state of shock that he has fallen in to, which is quite a normal reaction when a loved one dies. McMillan describes his tears to ‘slap’ his ‘torn face’; as well as ‘slap’ being a raw and aggressive word, the way he describes his face as ‘torn’ perhaps suggests that it was his mother who held him together, and now, without her, he is broken. This helps us to realise how important his mother was to him, which makes us sympathise for him a lot and evokes a feeling of empathy when we put ourselves in his position. McMillan says he feels ‘trapped’, like he is trapped by his own emotion and although it’s up to him to find a way out of this dark place, he can’t see an escape. This shows how alone and scared he is feeling knowing his motherr is no longer around and also makes us think how panicked he must be feeling, as we would be if we were trapped somewhere. The word ‘float’ makes us think that McMillan is no longer in control of his emotions, that what he is feeling is unstoppable, but also it instigates the sense that nothing seems quite normal around him, and that he is detached from reality. The final stanza is a rhyming couplet that summarises the grief and emptiness and the lack of will to go on without his mother. â€Å"Feeling that the story ends just here† conveys the idea that there isn’t a story to continue without his mother, showing how depressed McMillan is feeling, like he has reached a dead end in his life.

Friday, September 13, 2019

'Sound business models are a necessary component in a healthy Essay

'Sound business models are a necessary component in a healthy visualarts ecology and essential for most publicly funded organi - Essay Example In essence, a business model is greater than the financial transactions of an organisation recorded and presented in its financial statements. A business model provides a clear description of the rationale of how an organisation crates, captures and delivers value. In conducting business, sound business models are a necessary component in the visual arts ecology and most publicly funded organisations. However, there has been a widespread belief that numerous business models in the context of visual arts are relatively weak and have a high possibility of facing reduced funding with time. This beliefs have been backed by available research suggesting the same. Most organisations in the visual arts sector are characterised by undercapitalisation and holding reserves that are too little to support investment and growth and to cushion the organisation during times of crisis (Oakes & Oakes 2012, p.59). In most visual arts organisations, assets are never fully exploited and increased level of activity often translates into increase costs while visitors remain a relatively unexploited source of income. Within the visual arts ecology, there is minimal understanding of what a sound business model is and what it does for an organisation. This indicates the generally lower levels of business skills and understanding within the sector. Despite this, there is, however, a shared ground as to what a good business model should be like. The challenge arises in translating the shared opinion into tangible action. From a total business perspective, the culture depicted in visual art of individualism and a somewhat traditional leaning towards the values of the economic world. This may be problematic as it is difficult to be exemplary in something that you do not have high regard of or have full comprehension of. Business models relating to the visual arts sector and publicly funded organisations are somewhat technical and attention has to be paid to the detail in order to stipulate a viable and sustainable plan for the long run (Townley& Cooper, 1998, p.66). For example key aspects such as free entry into the visual arts organisations can be a blessing but will pose technical business challenges. This is explained by the fact, revenue is not generated directly from customers, let alone the contribution to overheads or surpluses. As a result, increased level of activity would lead to a disproportionate increase in costs compared to the revenues generated. In light of this, the business models drawn up for the visual arts ecology should focus on secondary revenue generating activities in order to supplement their lack of a direct source of revenue and enhance their operational sustainability. In formulating business models in the publicly funded visual arts sector, the key question still remains â€Å"what is a sustainable business model in the visual arts sector?† When creating a good business plan for the not-for-profit sector, key factors need to be p ut into consideration including the mission, the fiduciary perspective, the customer perspective, internal perspective and the growth and learning potential. In

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Performance Management in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Performance Management in Education - Essay Example Average spending per pupil is approaching that of independent schools. Rather than the lack of resources, the reason for poor performance lies in the structure of the education system. In the absence of parental choice, British schools have been subjected to increasingly strong direction from central government. While the aim was to achieve a minimum level of achievement for all children, the result has been persistently low standards, inequity and burdensome regulation Research (Oct,2005) done by the independent think tank Reform shows that radical education reform, based on allowing parents to choose either state or independent schools at the taxpayers' expense, is supported by a half of all voters and would create thousands of new schools. A Reform study, The potential benefits of real education reform in England, includes detailed research into the system of school choice in Sweden, held up last week by the former Minister Alan Milburn as a model for the forthcoming White Paper on secondary education. Sweden has seen a dramatic increase in the number of taxpayer-funded independent schools in all areas of the country, including rural and deprived areas. If the Swedish experience was replicated in England, real reform would lead to over 3,500 new schools in twelve years. Reform also released an ICM poll on education reform. ... If the Swedish experience was replicated in England, real reform would lead to over 3,500 new schools in twelve years. Reform also released an ICM poll on education reform. It shows that 76 per cent of voters think that state education is in need of a fundamental review and 49 per cent support choice of both state and independent schools on the Swedish model. A majority of 18-34 year-olds support radical reform. The study shows that the Government's general election manifesto gives it the mandate it needs to introduce radical reform. But unless the key principle of reform is accepted - that taxpayers' money can follow parental choice freely into the independent sector, allowing new schools to open according to parental demand rather than Local Education Authority decision - any change will be slow and any improvement limited. The Reform report shows: 1. The Prime Minister and other senior Labour figures have said that a key objective for this Parliament is to increase the number and variety of state schools in England. They have argued for barriers to the opening of schools to be removed and for new schools to be run by private and voluntary providers. 2. This objective is right. At present the provision of schools and school places is not demand-led by parents but centrally planned by Local Education Authorities. The effect of planning decisions over the last two decades has been to reduce the number of schools and to limit the choices available for parents. Since 1984, the total number of state schools has fallen by 13 per cent (a fall of 3,267 schools) in a time of rising pupil numbers. Prime Minister and other senior Labour figures have made clear that a key aim of their policy for Parliament is to increase the number and variety of state schools

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Disscussion Board Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disscussion Board - Assignment Example 2. Contrast the speaker’s actual identity with the one he creates for himself in lines 1–2. What elements of his actual situation do you think lead him to characterize himself as he does in these lines? The poet, Randall Jarrell, actually served in the Army Air Corps in the Second World War (â€Å"Randall Jarrell†). He actually finished university with a bachelor’s and master’s degree and he was able to publish his book of poems before he joined the Army Air Corps. However, the character he portrays himself as in the poem is that of a person who has never done anything in his life except become a soldier and serve the State all his life until his death. Perhaps, the poet makes such a comparison in order to show the reader that despite his being a poet, during the Second World War, what mattered to him was survival as a soldier and that perhaps what consumed him was the idea of his own death and nothing else. Thus, he forgot about everything else and just focused on being a soldier. It is Randall Jarrell’s â€Å"The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner† that has a greater impact on me because of the cleverness of the poet in expressing the same dishonor and disgrace in war in such an astounding brevity. The futility of war is expressed in the whole poem especially in the end when the dead soldier was just â€Å"washed†¦out of the turret with a hose† and with even just he alone to speak about it. This is clearly the unjust reward of devoting his whole lifetime to the

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

What is Wrong With the Dream Act Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

What is Wrong With the Dream Act - Essay Example On the positive side, the Act perhaps advances national security because it provides a wider field for eligibility of military service. In addition, illegal immigrants have an opportunity to become lawful permanent residents, and in time citizens. It is an exaggeration of the benefits of the policy because it disregards trifling issues that may arise later in its enactment. Depressingly, it affects immigration policies and the entire immigration system, besides being a costly process (Sands 642). It is virtually impossible to swear an oath for the United States when one is still theoretically a citizen of another country, in case the unlawful immigrants serve in the military. The DREAM Act affects the immigration system because lawful immigrant would face discrimination in enjoying invaluable benefits of being a citizen. It is bigoted because lawful immigrants take three years to gain citizenship wile unlawful immigrant only need two years to acquire citizenship. This promotes unlawful immigration and destabilizes the immigration system. The Act benefits only a small population, which will enjoy education and work opportunities, while undermining the efforts of a vast majority of lawful immigrants and American citizens who are

International Context of HRM Practice and Consultancy Essay

International Context of HRM Practice and Consultancy - Essay Example 12 References 13 Work Councils – Functions and Difference from Trade Unions Globalization has triggered sea changes not only in the transnational commerce but multinational companies are also deluged with issues concerning labor relations in a cross cultural and multi-economic scenario. The earlier concept of negotiating with a central trade union and implementing the issues agreed upon in workplace is no longer a sufficient guarantee of smooth labor relations. Multinational enterprises now need to negotiate at multiple levels with trade unions of several countries to achieve harmonious labor relations. This surely is a humongous task what with dealing in unionized labor of different cultural and economic contexts (Prahalad and Doz 1987). Such situations surely result in loss of managerial flexibility as conditions agreed upon in one country might not be acceptable in another country. Further, the terms and conditions of appointment and associated remunerations and perquisites also vary from country to country thus causing unwelcome variances in managing human resources. The basic problem of transnational human resource management can be categorized as (Poole 1986): The level of technological attainment and unionization of labor in a particular country The nature and extent of governmental intervention in labor management The number and political polarization of trade unions Impact, if any, of religious organizations on trade unions Strategies adopted by management These factors have resulted in the growth and proliferation of various types of trade unions which could be either generalized trade unions that represented all categories of employees, or, craft unions that represented employees having specific skill sets and are employed in different industries, or, a conglomerate of unions spread across different countries. Such diversity, quite obviously, present a rather daunting scenario for executives entrusted with the responsibility of collective barg aining with employees and also raises the prospect of multiple agreements within a single corporate entity. One option open to multinational corporations to find some semblance of order in this otherwise chaotic and indeterminate scenario is to set up work councils. These are micro level labor representatives who are elected by workers of a specific factory for a period of four years. The most vibrant forms of such work councils are observed in Germany where once nation-wide agreements with recognized trade unions are completed by representatives of a particular industry, each individual member firm of that particular industry undertake negotiations with their respective work councils on the details of how such an agreement has to be implemented in a particular work place. As members of work councils need not be members of recognized trade unions, these councils can be formed even in those industries where there is no existence of a nationally recognized trade union. This surely inv ests in such councils a large degree of flexibility and freedom from dogma or political influence associated with conventional trade unions. This also provides an opportunity for both management and workers to strike out an agreement that factors in micro specifics and thus is beneficial to both the workers and that particular firm. The other benefit of having work councils is that the levels of interaction and the channels of communication between management and wo

Monday, September 9, 2019

Disorder Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Disorder Paper - Essay Example The patient sees her thin body as fat. The patient starves oneself until the body weight dangerously drops lower than the normal weight of the average person, in accordance with one’s height. The psychological problem occurs when the patients starve themselves by taking only water diets, just like what Karen Carpenter did. The body is deprived of its need for solid food. With Karen Carpenter’s death, eating problems, such as Anorexia Nervosa, was scrutinized and well discussed in the press and in society (Lucas, 2004). The patient must do what society requires (to be thin) in order to be accepted (Simpson, 2002). Alexander Lucas (Lucas, 2004;3) emphasized â€Å"Hilde Bruch called anorexia nervosa a new disease that selectively befalls the young, the rich, and the beautiful. The widespread publicity that revolved around the disease—anorexia nervosa—in the 1970s awakened us to its existence and made it seem that an epidemic had begun. Some anorexic women are indeed rich and beautiful.† The author mentioned patients of the emotionally dysfunctional Anorexia Nervosa eating disorder include teenage girls living in a family having average income (Goozen, 2004). Many of the patients do not relate beauty with one’s weight. The disorder is third most prevalent chronic illness among teenage women. However the disease also affects women who are older. The disorder cropped up because of society’s impression that â€Å"thin is in†. However, starting one self of nutrition can precipitate to osteoporosis, a bone ailment (Golden, 2010). Further, Helen Malson (1998;112) reiterated â€Å"The thin body thus sustains a multiplicity of meanings and may signify a variety of (often conflicting) subjectivities. The discursive and physical management of the thin/anorexic body and the discursive struggle over its meanings can thus be understood as a management of identity. The

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Health Program Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Health Program Evaluation - Essay Example The questions will be as follows: For collection of data and information regarding the HIV/AIDS control, quantitative methodology will be employed by making use of questionnaire, in which there will be questions concerning HIV/AIDS and the control strategies that are considered much acceptable and resulting by people. Along with employing quantitative methodology, qualitative methodology will also be effective in getting information and answers to the asked questions, in which the research work and other written content by authorized writers will be assessed in order to get answers for the asked questions. Many research questions are the result of issues that are highlighted by the hypothesis. They also reveal experientially resulting constructs from initial experience (Hair, 1998). These questions support in recognizing the data, which is required and are able to serve as a foundation for the thorough analysis required establishing a model (Dillman, 1978). Altogether, the research questionnaire resolves different aspects of both propositions and is planned to assist the de-construction of system into its specific elements for establishing the normal nature of multi-cultural system (Dillman, 1978). The order of different questions can support to define the approach of evaluation and structure. It is suggested by the social theory that actions of individuals are in fact inspired by the response of actions expected to bring (Hair, 1998). Respondents are inspired to complete and thereafter, return questionnaire if benefits, cost and confidence are appropriate (Dillman, 1978). It should be ensured that respondents are properly rewarded for completion and thereafter returning the questionnaire. These rewards can depict positive regard such as offering thanks, seeking advice, providing tangible benefits, making the format of questionnaire interesting and offering social validation (Dillman, 1978). It is further suggested that the